The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product ( GNP). 日本的战后经济向世界展示了第一个国民生产总值以俩位数持续增长的范例。
Total level or real composites in Chinas agricultural infrastructure stock have relatively big and everlasting positive effects on Gross National Product and have relative short time-lag. 我国农业基础设施存量无论是总体水平还是具体构成均对国民生产总值具有较强的、持续时间较长的正影响且时滞相对较短。
Real estate prices with money supply, credit volume, and gross national product also have positive cointegration relationship. 房地产价格和货币供应量、信贷总量、以及国民生产总值之间也存在正向的协整关系。
And because of placing an important role in improving inhabitants 'living standard, pulling the national economy growth, absorbing labor, real estate industry will take up a more important role in the Gross national product. 在改善居民生产生活条件、拉动经济增长、吸纳就业等方面,房地产业也必将在整个国民经济中占据更加重要的地位。